Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.


Outboard Replacement Motors: The Right Fit For Your Skiff

13 December 2022
Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you're looking for outboard replacement motors, finding the right motor is largely about finding the right fit for your skiff. Assessing how replacement outboard motors will impact the functionality, safety, and efficiency of your boat can be daunting. Here are some steps to take when assessing how outboard replacement motors will work on your boat. Factory Specs Pairing replacement outboard motors with your boat should be about matching the factory specs of your boat and the motor(s) you're considering.
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Useful Precautions To Take When Getting A Permit To Carry License

31 October 2022
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you want to have the right to keep a firearm on you for safety reasons, you'll need a permit to carry. Getting one in your state isn't that difficult if you just follow these straightforward protocols. See What Criteria You Need to Meet First It's important to understand that you'll have to meet certain criteria in order to get approved for a permit to carry. These requirements can vary from state to state, but there are some common ones that apply to all areas.
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Four Reasons To Rent An Electric Bike On Your Next Vacation

7 September 2022
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Vacations are exciting and require a lot of planning. With high gas prices and the uncertainty of navigating traffic in an unfamiliar city, you may be wondering if other options exist. Instead of a rental car for your vacation, you can consider an electric bike rental. Here are four reasons why. 1. Save Money Rental cars are not cheap these days. Not only do you have to pay to rent the car, but you'll need to refuel to avoid extra fees and gas prices are still high.
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Why Your Kids Will Love Jiu-Jitsu

15 July 2022
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you are trying to find new activities for your kids to take part in but can't really find something universal that you think your kids will love then you might want to consider enrolling them in a form of martial arts. While there are many options out there, jiu-jitsu is one of the most popular for a reason, especially among kids just starting out. If you want to give your child a passion that they can carry with them for life and that will make them safer in almost every circumstance they encounter, then here is why you should choose jiu-jitsu.
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Choosing A Summer Day Camp For Your Child To Attend

31 May 2022
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Summer camp can be a memorable experience that many children will look forward to attending. When a parent is wanting to send their child to a summer camp, they will need to be selective to ensure they are choosing a facility that will provide their child with the best experience possible. Appreciate That Many Summer Camps Are Designed To Be Short Experiences Some parents may assume that summer camp will always be fairly long.
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About Me
Anyone Can Hit A Homerun

Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.
