3 Tips To Take Care Of Your Scope Lens
You might rely on your scope lens when you're hunting. If you don't take good care of it, however, you might find that you'll have to replace it. Luckily, scopes lenses are generally pretty easy to take care of if you know what you're doing. These are a few tips that can help:
1. Clean it Regularly
First of all, even if you are careful with your gun and scope when you're out in the woods, there's a good chance that your scope lens is going to get dirty. If you aren't careful about this, small pieces of dirt or sand can actually cause scratches. Therefore, even though it might only seem natural that your hunting gear would get dirty while you're outdoors in the woods, it's important to focus on keeping your scope lens clean. Then, you can help prevent debris from causing these scratches.
2. Use the Right Cloth or Brush
As mentioned above, it's definitely important for you to remove dirt, sand and other debris from your scope lens. However, you do have to be careful about how you do so. For example, you might be tempted to use the bottom of your shirt or coat to clean off your scope when you're in the woods, but this isn't a good idea, since the cloth could be too rough and could cause scratches. You'll want to make sure that any cloth that you do use is clean and soft, such as a clean microfiber cloth. There are also soft brushes on the market that can be used for cleaning your scope lens; you should be able to find one at a sporting goods store. Also, make sure that you don't use the same cloth or brush on the lens that you use on the rest of the scope, which could be dirty.
3. Use a Cover When Not in Use
When you aren't using your scope lens, it is important to get in the habit of putting a scope cover on it. When purchasing a scope cover, you'll want to make sure that it fits on your scope properly. This will help you ensure that your scope lens is protected from dirt, debris and grime.
As you can see, there are a few tips that you can follow if you want to take good care of your scope lens. Then, you can help ensure that it remains scratch-free and that it lasts for a long time to come. Contact a company like Sentry Products Group for more information and assistance.