Simple Tips For Starting A New Fitness Program
Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults need close to 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise that requires moderate exertion every week. They should also do muscle-strengthening exercises for two days per week at a minimum. The problem is that it can be hard to get started. Follow these tips for starting a new fitness program.
Wear a Fitness Tracker
Tracking your fitness in an easy way can make exercise feel a bit like a game. Get a fitness tracker and start wearing it a few days before you start your new exercise program. That will help you see how much of a difference your fitness program makes in your activity levels. Additionally, if you check it periodically throughout the day, you can get a better idea of how much you're moving. That can help you be more active when you're not in an exercise class.
Select Something for the Fun of It
As simple as it sounds to choose a fun fitness activity, few people make their fitness classes based on how fun it will be. Many people join a gym feeling motivated and determined to suffer for their health. However, they may find that their commitment wanes quickly if they don't want to go to the gym. On the other hand, if you choose a dance class at your gym because you genuinely think that dancing is fun, you'll look forward to it. It will be much more appealing to stick to exercise when it's enjoyable.
Exercise with a Buddy
Invite a friend to start your new exercise program with you. If you are working out with a friend, you are more likely to stick to a fitness commitment. For example, if you know that a friend is expecting you in a workout class, you may be more likely to go to it. You can also choose to be accountability partners with your friend. Simply report to each other about how much exercise you get each day. Cheering each other on can be empowering to both of you.
Keep a Fitness Journal
Writing down your exercise accomplishments in a journal can motivate you to keep going if you encounter obstacles along your fitness journey. When you record the physical activity you did in a day and how you felt during the day in general, you may see a pattern in how exercise makes you feel better. That can be additional motivation to work out on a regular basis.
Finally, exercise can help you feel better naturally, and it may even reduce your risk for getting some diseases. It may also help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Be good to yourself and commit to a regular exercise program. If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way to getting regular exercise and taking optimal care of your body.