Anyone Can Hit A Homerun

Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.

Anyone Can Hit A Homerun

What Are Dasher Boards?

25 August 2017
Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you have ever seen a hockey game, you've seen the boards around the rink that have decals and ads on them. Those are called the dasher boards.  Dasher Boards While the word "boards" makes it sound like they are always made out of wood, dasher boards can be either metal or wood. They are usually set in place as one big panel at a time The panels may be straight or curved, depending on what part of the rink they are going in.
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Have A Lot Of Flowers? Purchase A Foldable Garden Wagon And Install An Irrigation System

25 August 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you have planted a lot of flowers this year, you know how much work it takes to take care of them. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make things easier for you. For example, you can purchase a foldable garden wagon and install an irrigation system to keep your flowers watered. Below is some more information about this so you can enjoy gardening again. Purchase a Foldable Garden Wagon
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How To Surprise Your Hunt Loving Husband On His Birthday

16 August 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Does your husband count the days until hunting season begins? Whether you are a hunter or whether hunting is just not your sport, you'll win a lot of points when you surprise your husband with a hunt-themed birthday. The More The Merrier Unless you are the one who will hunt with your husband, it is probably a very smart idea for you to include his friends or family members who also love to hunt in your plans.
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How To Plan Activities For Your Next Family Reunion

5 August 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Are you in charge of planning the activities for your next family reunion? Thank you lucky stars! You could have been asked to be in charge of feeding the masses or you could have been asked to be in charge of clean up. Planning the activities might take some creative thinking, but it will probably be a lot of fun, too. From acquiring jigsaw puzzles to buying electric scooters, here are some ideas that might help you.
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Trying to Lose Weight? Why You Need a Nutritionist

25 July 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Making the decision to lose weight is the first step on the road to a healthier life. Taking off excess pounds can cause you to sleep better, have fewer aches and pains and just all around "feel" better than you have in awhile. However, because of the abundance of material that you're able to find on your own, you may believe that you don't need professional help when trying to lose weight.
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About Me
Anyone Can Hit A Homerun

Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.
